Tuesday, July 3, 2012

PLL, S2-20: The Naked Truth

Hanna narrowly avoids being expelled after last week's episode; however, she and Kate must attend a school lock-in called "Truth-Up," which focuses on building connections and owning up to the truth. Spencer, Emily, and Aria also attend and each end up confronting their own individual problems. Emily apologizes to Mona for never stopping Ali from torturing her, and Mona decides to help Emily get back onto the swim team by blackmailing the principal. Aria confronts Holden about his bruises and a mysterious bag of pills that fell out of his bag. Although he never reveals his secret, he does save Emily from Noel on the roof with some efficient fighting moves. Spencer finds out that Jason is really her half-brother when she overhears a fight between Jason and her mother. Hanna notices a birthmark on Kate's body that isn't in the naked picture and gets Kate to confess, on record, that she photo-shopped a picture of herself and sent it out on Hanna's phone.

Source: TV Fanatic

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