Sunday, July 1, 2012

G-Girl, Season 2 - Episode 7: Chuck in Real Life

This episode of Gossip Girl kicks off with the Bass and van der Woodsen camps merging into one family over a sit-down dinner at home.

Bart announces that he is back to stay and the couple seemed excited about celebrating their family togetherness at an upcoming house-warming party.

But Lily lays down ground rules (no going out on school nights, a 1:00 am curfew on the weekends) Serena decided to go on the attack against Bart. Serena believes Bart is responsible for this, not her mother.

In Brooklyn, Vanessa is trying to get a petition signed to save a Brooklyn bar that should be refurbished as a historical landmark. She decides to go enlist Blair - by blackmailing her with the pic of Marcus and Catherine.

Blair decides to get revenge on Vanessa. She suggests Chuck seduce Vanessa in order to humiliate her. He reluctantly agrees and gets started.

Eric has a new boyfriend, Jonathan. Serena is happy.

Serena can’t stop complaining about Bart, which Eric encourages her to stop, but only gets worse once Chuck reveals that Bart is really concerned about how Serena’s image plastered all over Page Six - because he has important clients from the Midwest who put a premium on family values.

Serena revolts by strutting past Bart, defying his curfew and bragging about it, wearing the hottest red dress in the history of human civilization.

Chuck shows up at the bar where Vanessa and other people are protesting the tear-down. He explains that Bass Industries wants to buy and restore it according to rules laid out by Vanessa and the property owner, Horace.

V isn't a fan. Chuck gets a piece of fruit thrown at him for some reason, then gets back in the limo to tell Blair the bet's off. But Blair refuses and ups the ante with her end of the bargain. What is she offering, Chuck asks? You know what, she replies. Sex. With her.

Chuck goes back to Brooklyn and Vanessa starts to believe he isn’t as bad as she thought he was. Chuck invites her to Lily and Bart’s party.

Dan and Nate, meanwhile, are totally friends. They agree to play soccer in the park, but on the way over to Nate's house (he forgot that he wasn't meeting him there), Dan finds eviction notices and chains on the door.

Dan breaks in and discovers a mattress on the floor with barely any other possessions. Nate's house has been seized and he's living in the dark.

Dan decides to invite Nate over to his house for dinner in hopes that he can convince Nate to stay with the Humpreys instead, but when the topic is brought up, Nate freaks out and tells Dan to stay out of his business.

The night of the party arrives and Serena is livid when she learns Eric’s boyfriend, Jonathan, is not there. She blames Bart for keeping him away.

There is press at the party and Lily is trying her best to make it seem like the Bass-van der Woodsen merger is perfection. But Serena sabotages her mom in front of the media, storms out and goes to Nate's apartment to talk.

But Dan is already there to be friend to Nate and convince him to come back and stay with his family for a bit. Serena just needed to talk to someone and the person she really wants to talk to (Dan), she can't. It's cute.

An apologetic Bart comes by to get Serena, and at home, Lily apologizes as well, admitting she is anything but perfect. She, Bart, Serena and Eric do share a nice moment at the end (after Bart killed the story of course).

Dan convinces Nate to crash at his apartment in Brooklyn.

But the main event is Chuck and Vanessa. Chuck seems genuinely excited about refurbishing the Brooklyn bar, but Bart quashes the idea. Vanessa overhears and consoles Chuck. She tells him he deserves better.

When V goes to leave the room, Chuck grabs her hand and asks her to stay. B sees this and is scared that her plan has backfired.

Blair yoinks Vanessa’s purse and deletes the incriminating picture of her former lover (one would think this would be a simpler solution from the beginning). Blair then explains to Vanessa that it was all a bet.

Chuck walks in and doesn’t deny the story, even though he looks rather unhappy that B revealed it. Vanessa is far from pleased and storms off.

Blair tells Chuck that she’ll be waiting in her room so he can collect his prize in one hour. She's surrounded by candles and in lingerie. Chuck is ready to make love to Blair again at long last!

But right as things get hot and heavy, Chuck demands that Blair say those same three words, eight letters. She can’t, and Chuck walks away. He tells Blair that it is her turn to do the chasing.

(Source: TV Fanatic)

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