Monday, July 2, 2012

Glee, S1-E20: Theatricality

This week, on Glee...

- After Figgins berates Tina for dressing goth (because it might lead to vampireism, ha!), Will assigns the group Lady Gaga songs because she expresses herself so freely. But the guys take exception to this and cover a couple Kiss classics intead.

- In storyline news, Finn's mother moves in with Kurt's dad. This means Kurt and Finn must share a room. Finn is bothered by this because it's uncomfortable when Kurt stares at him, and he (rightly) yells at Kurt for it. But he takes it too far when he refers to a lamp as "faggy." This prompts a great speech from Burt Hummel, who kicks Finn out for speaking in such a way.

- But Finn later makes up for it when he comes to Kurt's rescue when a couple jocks threaten to beat him up; he does so dressed in a hilarious Gaga-type outfit.

- Meanwhile, Puck serenates Quinn with the song "Beth," says she should name their daughter that and wants to be there for her birth.

- Rachel also confronts Shelby about being her mom. But the reunion doesn't go so well. The latter realizes all she's missed out on and the two ended up deciding to "be grateful for each other from afar," as Shelby puts it. But they do combine for an amazing duet of "Poker Face" before the episode is over.

Source: TV Fanatic

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